Truth About Sex – Parent Conference
Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate 28 Norfolk St, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaThe conference is based on PEACE Education Service's module series "Family Foundations for Optimal Sexual Development”. Each module is approximately 30 min of content and 10 min Q&A. This biblically aligned, research-based program equips and encourages parenting adults (parents, grandparents, church leaders, etc.) to guide and support their children toward optimal sexual health (avoiding sex until marriage), protecting their current and future wellbeing in a culture that sexualizes children.
Topics covered:
Friday Night
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Overview - Youth health risks. Factors influencing sexual behavior. Who is and who
should be guiding youth. Influence of parent involvement and communication.
3. Biblical Design for Sex and Healthy Relationships – examines God’s original intent for
biological sex, marriage, family, generations and nations (Genesis 1, 2), and how the devil undermined the original intent (Genesis 3). God in His grace, through Jesus, desires to restore His original intent in us as we partner with Him.
4. Puberty & Adolescent Development – Adolescent growth and development; Physical,
Mental, Emotional and Relational changes during puberty; Developmental Assets;
Application: a) Leaning-in parenting b) empathetic parenting
5. Our Body Speaks / God's Design for Sex – Overview of sexuality; Body systems and
reproduction; Foundations for marriage and family; How sex is like fire.
6. Risks of Adolescent Sexual Behavior – Teen pregnancy; STDs/STIs; Emotional and
Relational risks; Contraception effectiveness and ineffectiveness; Sexual abuse.
7. Technology, Social Media, Sexting and Pornography – Digital citizenship and footprint;
‘Tool for good’; Physical and mental risks of pornography; Resisting peer pressure
8. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity – Definitions; Culture’s claims; Influencing
factors; Implications and risks for youth; Strategies for parents to guide youth
9. Effective Communication and Healthy Relationships – Parent/child connectedness;
Communication styles and strategies; Overcoming barriers; Family/Friendships/Dating/
10. Path to Healthy Sexuality – Sequence of relationship skills development from infancy to engagement to marriage and the role of parents and church leadership.
11. Comparing Approaches to Sex Education – “Comprehensive Sex Education” and
“Sexual Risk Avoidance/Optimal Sexual Health,” Application in home/school/church settings
12. Conclusion: Advocating for Sexual Risk Avoidance / Optimal Sexual Health in School
& Culture, Developmental assets; Goals for children and family